Auckland College Students Gain Junior Duke Awards, May 2023

by | May 10, 2023

This week saw the first students in the Prep Department gain their Junior and Mini Duke Awards.

This Award has been running in schools since 2007 and has helped thousands of children aged 6 to 12 to realize their abilities and, for some, to discover new talents and passions. It is aimed at increasing children’s independence, confidence and resilience whilst giving them a good feeling of achievement on completion. The challenges range from First Aid, eco, exercise, domestic challenges, budgeting for packed lunches, fixing a puncture, building a fire, baking, cooking, washing sheets, making PowerPoints and public speaking, knitting, litter-picking….all manner of things!

We are extremely happy that so many of our students are taking up the challenge, and we are looking forward to handing out more Awards towards the end of the year.